Alfa AWUS036H Review And Taken Apart (disassembled)
Just received brand new Alfa AWUS036H WIFI adapter and rund some tests on it. I have compared Alfa USB adapter with with my old AirLive WL-1600USB WIFI adapter. The two cards haw the same chipset Real Tech RTL8187L but results are incomparable. WL-USB1600 has even slitly better antena 6db compered to Alfa AWUS036H who has 5db.
Take a look results in inSSID program for those two cards:
1. WL-1600USB
2. Alfa AWUS036H
After testing i disassembled Alfa AWUS036H
Take a look the images:
Take a look this interesting video on how powerful is Alfa AWUS036H compered to SignalKing 1200mW with RF power meter shown in dbm.
If you are interested in cracking WEP encrypted WIFI networks this card is more than capable to do that. To do that you will need a Back Track. This card works with all BT versions but I recommend using BT5 that has a Gerix wifi cracking program in it. Here is a video how you can do that.